
Liposuction is performed with small incisions and cannulas (about one to three mm), which removes fat from various parts of the body, improving the body contour. The recovery from the liposuction operation is fast, and patients can generally return to work within a short period of time.

Liposuction can treat various regions of the body such as the abdomen, back, legs, arms and chin. According to plastic surgeon David Passy, ​​who serves the cities of Itaperuna, Muriaé and Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro, you can reuse the removed fat and redistribute it (lipoenxerto) in other regions. The removed fat can increase the buttocks or correct any depressions.

Even with diet and exercise, some people can not get rid of localized fat accumulation, which can be corrected with this procedure.
According to plastic surgeon David Passy, liposuction can be done in several parts of the body. Women usually have it done in the back, abdomen and outer thighs. Men generally have liposuction done in the chin and abdomen. The liposuction device can be performed with or without a syringe. The latter, which is coupled to a cannula, is used in liposuction.
Liposuction is not a weight loss technique, as many people think. It is done to remove excess localized fat, shaping and defining a better body contour. The irregularities and depressions caused by cellulite can not be removed by liposuction, although the appearance of the affected region is improved.

Liposuction varies between half an hour to 2 hours, with a hospitalization period of 12-14 hours, depending on the amount of fat to be removed.

The anesthesia used in the liposuction surgery may be local or epidural anesthesia.

With smaller incisions and cannulas of about three millimeters, the scars from liposuction are small and hidden by the folds of skin. They are unnoticeable after a few months.


Physical activity is allowed after 15 days or so. A belt should be used in order to mold the area for 30 days. The sun, the beach and the pool are permitted after a month. The end result can be seen from 2 to 6 months.

Liposuction is a surgery with a quick recovery, depending on the professional activity. Usually, the patient can return to work the next day. Lymphatic drainage is recommended aid recovery.