Cutaneous Oncology


Cutaneous Oncology is the medical specialty that treats skin cancer, which is very common in Brazil. The appearance, color change, increase in size or irregularity of stained spots and signs indicate the need for clinical examination by an expert.

The most common tumors are basal cell carcinomas and vast majorities are caused by sun exposure and so-called melanomas, tumors that are more serious and involve a more complex treatment, in some cases requiring oncological monitoring.

According to plastic surgeon David Passy, ​​who serves the cities of Itaperuna, Muriaé and Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro, surgery is most often an outpatient nature, performed with local anesthesia and without hospitalization. The patient can be cured by completely removing the lesion, depending on the type of tumor.
Cutaneous oncologic surgeries remove malignant lesions of the skin in order to restore function and aesthetics to the affected area.

According to plastic surgeon David Passy, ​​the postoperative period does not require a prolonged period of rest, provided that the lesion is in its initial phase. Patients can return to work quickly. David Passy said that his team prefers the micrographic freezing method, because it is the most efficient way to be sure of the complete removal of the lesion at the time of surgery.
The pathologist will analyze the lesion immediately after the removal, sometime even in the operating room.

Dr. David Passy has a multi-professional team to assist dermatologists in the diagnosis of skin tumors.


Cutaneous oncology cases are treated as an outpatient basis without hospitalization.


Local anesthesia and sometimes sedation is used for cutaneous oncology.


The scar depends on the size and location of the lesion.


The postoperative recovery and return to daily activities depend on the type, size and location of the tumor. There may be swelling that subsides quickly soon after. The use of sutures can be necessary, but should be removed at approximately 7-14 days after the surgery.